Tomatin 11, 2002 (for Edina Liquor)

Tomatin 2002
I mentioned this young cask strength Tomatin very positively in my smart-ass list of things to be hoped for in 2014 and I’ve been meaning to review it ever since (as you can see, the photo alongside was taken in the heart of winter). It was bottled for Edina Liquor, a municipal liquor store in the Twin Cities metro area, from a single bourbon barrel. It was initially available for less than $30–reports are that the price has gone up since but even at $40 it represents a very good value. I’d thought initially that if Edina Liquor had their own single cask then surely every other store in the country must too but I haven’t actually seen any such reports, or come across other store bottlings in just the Twin Cities area. Please write in if you happen to know if there are other similar casks out there in the wild.

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